Saturday 30 June 2018

Refreshing in the Summer

  1. What is a refreshing drink in the summer?
  2. What is good to eat in the summer?
  3. What is good to do in the summer?
  4. Where is a good place to go in the summer?


英語ではしご酒に行きませんか?イギリスのパブ文化「PUB CRAWL」=はしご酒は人気があります。京都ではたくさんのイギリス風のパブがあります。だからイギリスのようなはしご酒が出来ます。もしネイティブスピーカーと一緒にはしご酒を楽しんだら、英語を話すチャンスがたくさんあります。その上8人だけそのイベントに参加が出来ます。3つのパブに行くので、違う雰囲気が楽しめます。歩くときも楽しい会話が出来ます。7月21日(土曜日)7時~3つの有名な京都のパブに行きます。イベントの値段は2000円+パブで自分のドリンクを買ってください。もし興味があったら、連絡してください。

Saturday 23 June 2018

Past, Present and Future

  1. What did John do in the morning?
  2. What did he say he was doing?
  3. What did he say he was going to do in the evening?
  • What did you do this morning?
  • What are you doing now?
  • What are you going to do tomorrow? 

Saturday 16 June 2018

Kyoto is famous and popular

Please watch the video before class

Would you like some more listening practice? Then watch the 中級 video and see where I went next.


Friday 8 June 2018

What do you recommend?

Please watch the video and answer the questions 

  1. What spice does John recommend?
  2. Which make of pen does John recommend?
  3. Which beer does he recommend?